Monday, December 20, 2010

Name calling and slander is Obama's stock in trade; this guy is a professional Obama "bot" being paid by the National Democratic Party

  • Alan Russell Carter Alan Maki, you never did answer the question I posed a couple of weeks back. How much does the GOP pay you to ask your inane shit on liberal threads? It's not enough.
    Yesterday at 11:09am ·  1 person · 

  • Alan L. Maki Alan Russell Carter... just as I asked you to do before, call me to prove that you are not just another name concocted by some worthless Democratic Party hack using dozens of identities to attack in this vicious manner intending to intimidate people through name-calling and slander.. here is my number: 218-386-2432.
    Yesterday at 11:19am ·  1 person

    Notice: "Alan Russell Carter" refused to call me.

How the Obama hacks bully, badger and intimidate using "social networking"